Energy / Climate Change

September 18, 2006


Energy Saving Campaign in Yamagata Prefecture Cuts 90 tons of CO2

Keywords: Climate Change Energy Conservation Local government 

On March 30, 2006, Yamagata Prefecture, located in the northern part of Japan's main island, released the results of a three-month energy-saving campaign conducted from October 15 2005 to January 15 2006. The campaign aimed to promote energy conservation efforts at the household level with the cooperation of residents.

The prefecture organized the campaign to provide its citizens with an opportunity to do something about global warming. Aiming to involve as many households as possible, the prefecture encouraged people to take pleasure in joining the campaign, and emphasized that even seemingly insignificant efforts can make a big difference to the Earth when everyone makes them.

Out of 4,439 households taking part in the campaign, 1,540 submitted their power consumption data. The compiled data indicated that average total electricity consumption per day decreased by an average of 6.1 percent compared with the same period in the previous year. According to Tohoku Electric Power Co., the average power consumption in the prefecture was 5.6 percent higher than the previous fiscal year during the same period. This means that the campaign theoretically contributed to reducing electrical consumption by as much as 11.7 percent.

Yamagata Prefecture stated that the campaign resulted in energy conservation roughly equivalent to a reduction of 90 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. The prefecture has announced its intention to carry out a similar campaign in fiscal 2006 as well to encourage people to keep on trying to conserve energy.

Posted: 2006/09/18 11:18:45 PM
Japanese version

