January 27, 2013
Keywords: Climate Change Local government
While national governments fail to set proactive targets to fight climate change, municipal governments in Japan and in many countries around the world are setting aggressive targets and attempting to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. JFS would like to collaborate with and stimulate these forward-looking efforts in Japan and overseas.
If you know of ambitious targets of municipalities not included in this list, please share the information with us and provide a web link (URL) to the source, using this online form. We will review information received and add it to the list.
* We added Yamanashi with its ambitious target.
Source: The City Climate Catalogue (2013/01/27)
Municipality (Prefecture) |
Reduction target | Target year | Base year | CO2/ GHG |
Action plan | Established year |
Saitama | -25% | 2020 | 2005 | GHG | Stop Global Warming Saitama Navigation 2050(Summary) | 2008 |
Tokyo | -25% | 2020 | 2000 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2006 |
Kanagawa | -25% | 2020 | 1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Shiga | -50% | 2030 | 1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2008 |
Kyoto | 1. -25% 2. -40% 3. -80% |
1. 2020 2. 2030 3. 2050 |
1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2011 |
Ehime | 1. -0% 2. -15% 3. -70% |
1. 2012 2. 2020 3. 2050 |
1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Municipality (Prefecture) |
Reduction target | Target year | Base year | CO2/ GHG |
Action plan | Established year |
Yokohama (Kanagawa) |
1. -30% 2. -60% |
1. 2025 2. 2050 |
2004 | GHG | Yokohama Climate Change Action Policy(CO-DO30) Leaflet in English | 2009 |
Kawasaki (Kanagawa) |
-25% | 2020 | 1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2010 |
Kobe (Hyogo) |
1. -25% 2. -80% |
1. 2020 2. 2050 |
1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2011 |
Nigata (Nigata) |
1. -11% 2. -40% 3. -80% |
1. 2012 2. 2030 3. 2050 |
2005 | CO2 | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Hiroshima (Hiroshima) |
1. -50% 2. -70% |
1. 2030 2. 2050 |
1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Kitakyusyu (Fukuoka) |
1. -30% 2. -50% |
1. 2030 2. 2050 |
2005 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Municipality (Prefecture) |
Reduction target | Target year | Base year | CO2/ GHG |
Action plan | Established year |
Toyama (Toyama) |
1. -30% 2. -50% |
1. 2030 2. 2050 |
2005 | CO2 | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Toyota (Aichi) |
1. 30% 2. -50% |
1. 2030 2. 2050 |
1990 | CO2 | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Obihiro (Hokkaido) |
1. -30% 2. -50% |
1. 2030 2. 2050 |
2000 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Iida (Nagano) |
1. -40 to -50% 2. -70% |
1. 2030 2. 2050 |
2005 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Chiyoda (Tokyo) |
-25% | 2020 | 1990 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Yamanashi (Yamanashi) |
1. 15.9% 2. 36.4% 3. 100% |
1. 2012 2. 2020 3. 2050 |
1. 1990 2. 2005 |
CO2 | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Municipality (Prefecture) |
Reduction target | Target year | Base year | CO2/ GHG |
Action plan | Established year |
Minamata (Kumamoto) |
1. -32% 2. -50% |
1. 2020 2. 2050 |
2005 | GHG | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Yusuhara (Kochi) |
1. -50% 2. -70% |
1. 2030 2. 2050 |
1990 | CO2 | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |
Shimokawa (Hokkaido) |
1. -16% 2. -66% |
1. 2020 2. 2050 |
1990 | CO2 | Source (Japanese only) | 2009 |