Energy / Climate Change

December 13, 2010


Solar Power Systems Becoming Common in Condos

Keywords: Manufacturing industry Non-manufacturing industry Renewable Energy 

JFS/Solar Power Systems Becoming Common in Condos
Copyright JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp.

Having already been introduced into houses, solar power generation systems have started being introduced into condominiums. Electricity generated by solar panels on their rooftops is supplied to each dwelling unit and surplus electricity from the systems is sold or utilized in communal areas of more and more condominiums.

A new condominium, in which 110 units (132kW) were on sale in Saitama Prefecture in Japan from September 2010, adopted the solar power generation system developed by JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp., one of Japan's largest oil wholesale companies. Each unit has a compact power conditioner, and the owner can sell surplus electricity to an electric company at a higher price through feed-in-tariff system. The company sets monitors on all units, which tracks the amount of electricity generation and carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction, allowing residents in condominiums to improve their energy saving habits. The condominium achieved operation cost reduction by 61 percent and CO2 emissions reduction by 40 percent. It gained popularity to be sold out within two months.

Daikyo Inc., a major real estate company in Japan, has introduced a solar power system into a new condominium it started selling in May 2010, which enables the reduction of electricity prices by about 20 percent. Orix Real Estate Corp., another major real estate company, also adopted the system in all dwelling units of a condominium scheduled for completion in 2011. It estimates that utility costs can be reduced by 50 percent by selling surplus electricity, and aims to create eco-friendly resident spaces by using LED (light-emitting diode) lighting inside the building.

Nippon Oil Corp. Starts Solar Power System for Individual Condominium Units (Related JFS article)

Posted: 2010/12/13 06:00:15 AM


