Energy / Climate Change

December 25, 2014


Current Status of Renewable Energy in Japan (2014)

Keywords: Renewable Energy 

Since the introduction of the feed-in tariff (FIT) scheme in July 2012, renewable energy in Japan has undergone great changes. We, Japan for Sustainability (JFS), have continued to post the latest on the status of renewable energy in Japan through our newsletters.

JFS Newsletters:

On this page, we will provide information on the current status of renewable energy in Japan, based on objective data.

The figures below illustrate the estimated amount of renewable power generation, by type and by proportion of total power generated in Japan, and the changes in renewable power generation over time.

*Total Power Generation in Japan: renewable energy generation (estimated in the "Renewables Japan Status Report 2014") added to power generation including major electric power utilities, other electric power producers, and in-house power generation (based on "Energy Data and Modeling Center (EDMC) data" and the "Statistical Handbook of the Japan Electric Association").

Estimated power generation, by type and by proportion of total power generated in Japan (FY2012)
Type of Renewable Energy Estimated Annual Power Generation (GWh) Proportion of Total (%)
Solar Photovoltaic 7,635 0.69%
Wind 4,838 0.44%
Geothermal 2,609 0.24%
Small-Scale Hydropower 17,401 1.58%
Biomass 12,186 1.11%
Total 44,670 4.1%
Figure: Changes in annual power generation of renewable energy
Changes in annual power generation of renewable energy
The above figures were calculated based on the following:
  • Solar photovoltaic: In 2012, power plant capacity at the start of FIT operation was used to estimate total capacity; until 2011, the capacity was calculated based on a 12% utilization rate of total capacity, with the Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA) domestic shipments used to estimate total capacity.
  • Wind: In 2012, figures from the "Statistical Handbook" were used. From 2003-2011, the supply based on the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) was used. Before 2002, the amount was calculated based on a 20% utilization rate of total capacity.
  • Geothermal: In 2012, figures from the "Statistical Handbook" were used. Up to 2011, figures from the "Current Status and Trends in Geothermal Power," published by the Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society, were used.
  • Micro-Hydropower: Calculated based on a 61% utilization rate of total capacity; facilities included come from the "Hydropower Stations Database," published by the Japan Electric Power Civil Engineering Association. Included power stations are the conduit/run-of-river type and pondage type stations with maximum generation capacity of up to 10,000 kilowatts, and RPS eligible facilities.
  • Biomass: Calculated based on a 70% utilization rate of total capacity, assuming that 60% of fuel is biomass. Included power stations were RPS eligible facilities with a biomass ratio of about 60% or greater.

The graph below shows proportions of overall domestic energy generation in FY2012, by type

FIgure: Proportions of Energy Generation, by Type
Proportions of Energy Generation, by Type

Produced in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP):


Go to Current Status of Renewable Energy in Japan (2016)


