Energy / Climate Change

October 13, 2006


Lease Contract Combined with Green Power Certification Announced in Japan

Keywords: Non-manufacturing industry Renewable Energy 

Japan Natural Energy Co. (JNEC) and UFJ Central Leasing Co. have concluded a Green Power Certification System contract, it was announced on June 14, 2006. As the first step, they have agreed to a one-year contract to produce one million kWh of electricity generated from biomass.

Under the contract, both companies jointly promote a Green Lease system, under which UFJ Central Leasing leases items, such as machine tools, to corporate customers along with Green Power Certificates issued by JNEC.

This is the first case in Japan where companies have used a Green Power Certification System for lease contracts. The Green Lease system offers corporate customers some other advantages; they can achieve their own environmental goals, such as reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, and improve their corporate and product identities.

According to the Green Power Certification System, corporate customers entrust power generation from renewable energies such as wind, water or biomass to the JNEC by paying the cost difference over conventional usual power generation, while receiving electricity supplies from conventional power companies. JNEC re-entrusts a power generation plant, and the power produced is purchased by regional electric companies or consumed on the premises of the plant.

Posted: 2006/10/13 04:13:17 PM
Japanese version

