Energy / Climate Change

November 4, 2007


Worldwide Temperature Rises in Near Future Forecasted

Keywords: Climate Change University / Research institute 

The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), an independent administrative entity in Japan, announced on July 2, 2007, the results of its research on the probable progress of global warming until 2030 based on computer simulations of global atmosphere and ocean behavior. This is the most detailed forecast of global warming in the near future, although there have been many studies on climate change up to around 2100.

Analyzing the frequency of extremely high and low temperatures, the study found a strong probability of worldwide increases in extremely high temperatures and decreases in extremely low temperatures in the near future as a result of global warming. This suggests that global warming will not only be a problem 100 years from now, but also in the near future, affecting many currently living people.

In the future, NIES will analyze the probabilities of large-scale volcanic explosions and changes in the solar activities to quantify their potential effects. These factors initially were excluded from the simulation, as they are very difficult to forecast.

Posted: 2007/11/04 11:24:33 PM
Japanese version

