Policy / Systems / Technology

July 20, 2005


Sony Most Socially Responsible Corporation in Japan - Survey

Keywords: Manufacturing industry Non-manufacturing industry Policy / Systems 

Sony Corp. is the company most active in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Japan, according to a survey released on January 16, 2005 by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, a leading business daily. The survey was the first of its kind in Japan, and evaluated companies' CSR efforts based on a questionnaire sent to major corporations (valid responses: 847 out of 2,171). Following top-runner Sony were Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Komatsu Ltd., NEC Corp. and Toyota Motor Corp., in that order.

In assessing these companies' CSR activities, the survey focused on how dialogues with various stakeholders were applied to improving business operations and corporate value. Five sets of criteria were used: management strategy and corporate structure, compliance, social contribution, commitment to employees, and commitment to consumers and suppliers.

The top-ranking corporations were mostly manufacturers of consumer electronics and automobiles that have undergone global expansion of production and sales operations. Also high on the list were companies in other consumer-related industries, such as retailing, securities and insurance. High value was accorded to their positive efforts to ensure accountability to stakeholders.

Posted: 2005/07/20 01:55:32 PM
Japanese version

