Policy / Systems / Technology

August 24, 2002


Recovery Cost of Ozone-Depleting Chemicals Set

Keywords: Chemicals Government Policy / Systems Transportation / Mobility 

In an effort to defray the expense of recovering and destroying chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting chemicals used as coolants for automotive air conditioners, an "Automobile CFC Ticket" system will be introduced in October 2002 in Japan. The price of the ticket per vehicle (buses not included) was set at 2,580 yen (including tax), or about U.S.$21. This ticket will be on sale starting September 20, at 53,000 postal offices and convenience stores across the country.

Owners will be required to purchase the ticket and provide it to the dealer or agent when the vehicle is to be scrapped. The chemicals to be recovered and destroyed include CFCs and CFC-substitutes known as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). HFCs do not destroy the ozone layer but are said to have 1,300 times the global warming power of carbon dioxide.

Posted: 2002/08/24 03:20:36 PM
Japanese version

