June 12, 2015
Keywords: Corporate Non-manufacturing industry
Copyright Sekisui House SI Asset Management, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
The Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) announced on January 27, 2015, that it had launched "Residence Version" of its DBJ Green Building Certification program, specifically for multi-unit apartment buildings. This new program is in addition to the existing certification programs granted to owners of office buildings, logistics facilities, and commercial facilities. The first residential certifications were granted to two apartment buildings owned by Sekisui House SI Residential Investment Cooperation for their outstanding consideration of the environment and society.
The DBJ Green Building Certification is a program established by DBJ in April 2011, to support environment- and community-friendly real estate developments. The program then evolved into a joint certification program with the Japan Real Estate Institute (JREI) in February 2014. Based on comprehensive evaluations of responses from various stakeholders, including on disaster protection measures and care for communities, as well as the environmental performance of buildings, DBJ evaluates and certifies socially- and economically-qualified real estate developments and supports the efforts of owners.
The residence certification aims at making comprehensive evaluations in terms of each building's sustainability. Evaluation items concerning the environmental performance characteristics of housing are added to the list. Also included are the degree of convenience and comfort for residents, security in times of disaster, and the level of communication among the owner and residents.
Future plans for the DBJ Green Building Certification program are to continue supporting activities of sustainability improvement pursued by real estate businesses that develop and own apartment buildings.