April 11, 2011
Keywords: Climate Change Government
The Japanese Ministry of the Environment released its initial estimate of the nation's fiscal 2009 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on December 27, 2010. Total emissions decreased to 1.209 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent (same unit used below), down by 4.1 percent (52 million tons) from the 1.261 billion tons emitted in 1990, the base year under the Kyoto Protocol, and also down by 5.7 percent (73 million tons) from the previous year.
Such a continuous decline in the total emissions from the previous year was mainly attributed to a plunge in energy demands from each sector of the industries due to the sharp economic downturn by the financial crisis in October 2008, while a rise of the utilization ratio of nuclear power plants improved the CO2 emissions per unit of power generated.
Compared to the previous year by sector, CO2 emissions were down by 7.9 percent in the industrial sector, down 2.5 percent in the transportation sector, down 5.5 percent in the household sector, down 6.6 percent in the service sector, and up 0.7 percent in the energy sector, amounting to a net 5.6 percent decrease.
The utilization ratio of nuclear power plants rose by 5.7 percentage points to 65.7 percent. The Ministry estimated that if the ratio in FY2009 had been as same as 84.2 percent in 1998, the total GHG emissions would have decreased by 7.8 percent from 1990 levels.
Japan's GHG Emissions Drop 6.4% in FY2008 vs. Previous Year (Related JFS article)
Posted: 2011/04/11 06:00:15 AM
Ministry of the Environment official website