June 8, 2013
Keywords: Eco-business / Social Venture Government Manufacturing industry
Japan's Agency for Natural Resources and Energy announced on February 15, 2013 an amendment to the enforcement ordinance of the Act on the Rational Use of Energy (Energy Saving Act), adding three categories to the list of products under the Act's "top runner" program. The amendment added multi-function devices, printers, and electric water heaters (Eco Cute) to the list of products targeted by the program.
The top runner program is a system to establish energy consumption standards for manufacturers. In the specified categories, the product with the highest energy efficiency in the market at the time of deciding the standard is picked up as the "top runner." The energy consumption standard for that category is then established based on the properties of the top runner product, while taking into account possible future technological advances.
The program targets mass-market products used in Japan that also consume a considerable amount of energy, and have room for improvements in energy efficiency. More than 20 items, including passenger cars and air-conditioners, have been designated since the program was established in 1999.
Related JFS article:
An Overview of Efforts in Japan to Boost Energy Efficiency
Reducing CO2 Emissions with Energy Efficient Products -- The Story of Daikin Industries Ltd.
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