January 26, 2014
Keywords: Others University / Research institute
The Tokyo Institute of Technology announced on March 25, 2013, that the research group led by the International Council for Science (ICSU) proposed guidelines for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that frame the post-2015 development agenda to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It is thought that the guidelines will greatly influence the future of the SDGs, on which discussion has just started in the United Nations.
The guidelines treat the environment as an essential prerequisite for human development, rather than the former stance in which the economy, society and the environment were viewed as the three pillars for sustainable development. In other words, the guidelines advocate a new paradigm asserting that only with the environment is it possible to build a sustainable society and economy.
The six proposed SDGs are Thriving Lives and Livelihoods, Sustainable Food Security, Sustainable Water Security, Universal Clean Energy, Healthy and Productive Ecosystems, and finally, Governance for Sustainable Societies, which is a condition that must be met to achieve the other goals. Specific provisional goals were proposed for each SDG.
Norichika Kanie, associate professor at the graduate school of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, represents Japan in the research group. Professor Kanie has led a Ministry of the Environment research project in Japan on the SDGs since fiscal 2013.