Biodiversity / Food / Water

November 28, 2009


75% of Respondents Want to Practice Environment-Conscious Agriculture: Survey

Keywords: Food Manufacturing industry 

JFS/Environment-Conscious Agriculture Symposium
Copyright Japanese Association for the Promotion of Microbial Protection Agents

The Japanese Association for the Promotion of Microbial Protection Agents compiled the results of a survey it conducted at its second annual Environment-Conscious Agriculture Symposium, which was held in March 2009.

With a response rate of 62%, the survey found that 97 percent of respondents were interested in practicing environment-conscious agriculture, that 75 percent currently were employing such practices, and that 22 percent hoped to incorporate these techniques in the future.

Meanwhile, the respondents listed the obstacles they faced in embracing more environment-conscious agricultural practices as their higher cost (42%), more intensive labor inputs (31%), their lack of expertise (15%), and the difficulty in selling produce at a higher price (12%). When asked what they thought was needed to promote more environment-conscious agriculture, most said "technology development that can ensure a good yield" (46%), followed by the "legal merit for the farmers" (20%), and "appreciation from consumers and receptiveness to charging a premium price for environment-conscious agricultural products" (31%).

The symposium, which was held to promote the use of microbial control agents that are friendly to the environment and humans, as well as the benefits of ensuring food safety and security, drew 401 attendees, ranging from representatives of prefectural and city governments to private companies. The survey response rate was 62 percent.

Posted: 2009/11/28 06:00:15 AM


