Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

November 29, 2007


About Half of Elementary and Junior High School Students Latent Eco Activists

Keywords: Manufacturing industry NGO / Citizen Reduce / Reuse / Recycle 

Bandai Networks Co. and NetMile, Inc. jointly announced the results of an ecological awareness survey conducted among Japanese students on July 23, 2007 using a research service on the internet. According to the survey, the majority of elementary and junior high school students (95.7 percent) are familiar with the term "ecology", while 4.3 percent have never heard of it.

In response to the question "Have you ever studied about ecological problems at school?", 69.3 percent stated that they had had lessons on the topic. While 20.3 percent participated in hands-on learning activities and 9.3 percent developed their own research projects, only 19.5 percent of the respondents answered negatively.

To the question "What do you actually do as ecological activities?", the respondents answered that they sort milk cartons (52.0 percent) and sort PET bottles (49.0 percent ) for recycling, while 45.4 percent answered that they bring their own carrier bags to shops.

The awareness of the impact of air conditioners was notably higher in older students; more junior high school students (43.7 percent) choose to set a lower temperature for air conditioners at home when compared to younger groups (37.0 percent among 11-12-year-olds, and 23.2 percent among 9-10-year-olds).

Posted: 2007/11/29 09:12:22 AM
Japanese version

