Biodiversity / Food / Water

December 8, 2004


"Green Saver" Certification System Promotes Nature Conservation

Keywords: Ecosystems / Biodiversity NGO / Citizen 

The Trees and Environment Network Association has conducted the "Green Saver" licensing examination every year since 1998; this certification system aims to foster human resources that can help conserve and sustain natural systems through an accurate knowledge of plants, natural environments and ecosystems.

Green Saver certification training has three levels: "Basic" that teaches the necessary knowledge about plants and the natural environment, "Advanced" that teaches about the relationship between humans and nature, and "Master" for the study of more specialized subjects such as environmental assessment and vegetation survey methods. Participants that complete the Advanced and Master levels gain enough knowledge to become a "field leader" or a "field coordinator," respectively.

The Association organizes seminars for each level before holding the examinations, as well as field work outings after the examination where participants can practice the knowledge they have gained. Besides providing knowledge applicable to field activities, these programs offer participants the opportunity to exchange information.

As of June 2004, the Association has certified a total 1,669 Green Savers. "Recently most applicants for our Green Saver certificate program take the knowledge they have learned and use it in nature conservation activities or share it with their community members and children. When we first offered this certificate system, however, some people took our courses from mere intellectual curiosity. We would like to further popularize the Green Saver system," said one of the staff.

Posted: 2004/12/08 02:18:50 PM
Japanese version

