Biodiversity / Food / Water

August 4, 2007


Tokyo Greenship Action Participants Double in FY 2007

Keywords: Ecosystems / Biodiversity Local government Manufacturing industry NGO / Citizen Non-manufacturing industry 

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has been promoting the "Tokyo Greenship Action", in which businesses, non-profit organizations and the government work together to conserve the natural environment in approximately 45 nature conservation areas in Tokyo. Twenty-two businesses and one non-profit organization participated in fiscal 2007, which is twice the number of participants that took part in fiscal 2006.

Tokyo started the program in fiscal 2003, so that businesses, non-profit organization, government and citizens could work together to conserve local green areas. The activities are supported by financial assistance and volunteer work from businesses.

Posted: 2007/08/04 12:54:42 PM
Japanese version

