Biodiversity / Food / Water

August 4, 2007


Concert Organizers to Plant One Tree for Each Audience Member

Keywords: Ecosystems / Biodiversity Non-manufacturing industry 

NPO Environmental Relations Association (Er), a non-profit organization, and Freedom Inc., a concert-promoting company, agreed to launch the "Present Tree Live" project, in which they organize live concerts on a regular basis and plant a number of trees equal to the size of the audience in an effort to help restore forests in Japan. The first concerts were held at Yakushi-ji Temple in Nara, an ancient city in central Japan, on May 19, 20, 26 and 27, 2007.

Er has been engaged in the "Present Tree" reforestation project, a conservation measure with far-reaching effects, targeting people who have had little chance to do good for the environment. Under the new "Present Tree Live" project, Er and Freedom jointly hold concerts and then plant a tree for every person in attendance.

At the first concert, four artists performed on stage: Tatsuya Ishii, Ryuichi Kawamura, Hideaki Tokunaga and Misato Watanabe. Tree planting is scheduled to start in southern Kyushu in fall 2007.

Posted: 2007/08/04 11:24:20 AM
Japanese version

