Biodiversity / Food / Water

January 22, 2005


Survey Shows Environmental Protection Leads to Economic Progress and General Well-Being

Keywords: Climate Change Ecosystems / Biodiversity Government NGO / Citizen Reduce / Reuse / Recycle 

As a way of gauging the present status of environmental conservation activities in Japan, the Ministry of the Environment conducted a questionnaire survey directed at both adults and children. Responses were received from 1,267 men and women aged 20 or older and 2,221 fifth and eighth graders at 72 elementary and junior high schools across the country.

The environmental issues of most concern to adults were "global warming," followed by "depletion of the ozone layer," "illegal dumping and inappropriate waste treatment," and "air pollution." As for children, "deforestation" placed first followed by "water pollution," "air pollution," and "global warming."

Asked about environmental problems, the number of adults who think "promoting environmental conservation efforts can lead to economic development" drastically increased since the previous survey. In addition, the survey showed it is widely believed among children that "protecting the environment improves well-being."

As for daily environmental activities, while most of the adults do "waste sorting," "used paper collection," and "energy-saving," few of them perform "greening activities" or "volunteer at / make donations to environmental protection organizations."

The children answered that they were accustomed to "saving electricity and water," "waste sorting" and "using things with care." Fewer than 20 percent of the children, however, said that they "refuse plastic and paper bags at checkout counters," "participate in tree and flower planting events in their communities" or "discuss environmental issues with their families and friends."

Posted: 2005/01/22 12:38:33 PM
Japanese version

